罗伯特B. Annis水资源研究所

你是怎么接受这个想法的 water is rapidly becoming a scarce world resource when you live near 的 Great Lakes that stretch to 的 horizon? 当水从水龙头里自由流动时, and you enjoy a seemingly endless supply of 河流 and inland lakes? 这就是我们所熟悉和喜爱的密歇根. It’s easy to get complacent and take water for granted.


Trust us…our 西 密歇根 waters, while abundant, are not immune from danger. 新的或不断增长的威胁包括:

  • 塑料微粒: 11 million pounds of plastics are dumped annually into Lake 密歇根, 也影响到邻近的湖泊.
  • 有害藻华(HABs): Warmer water temperatures and excess nutrients are growing this threat for inland lakes and our Great Lakes.
  • 水资源的盐碱化: Salt run-off from road de-icer application is creating toxic environments in our lakes, 地下水, 和流.
  • 地下水可持续发展: Natural and man-made contaminants such as PFAS, and increased withdrawals of 地下水 for development and agriculture, threaten both 的 quality and quantity of 地下水.
  • SARS - CoV-2废水监测: The CDC has recommended wastewater testing for monitoring infection levels. The State of 密歇根 has invested in 的 infrastructure for 的se analyses at 19 public health and university sites, 包括AWRI.
  • Pathogens at Great Lakes Beaches and Tributaries: Beach closings around 的 Great Lakes are increasingly common, requiring testing and tracking for same day test results to protect both animals and humans.
  • Population-Driven压力: 西 密歇根 is on 的 list of projected ‘climate sanctuaries’ which may drive an increase in both new residents and visitors. 对经济有利. 湖上的艰难.
  • 气候变化: Climate change directly affects freshwater resources due to related changes in land use, 生物多样性, 海岸恢复力.
20% of 的 world's surface freshwater is in 的 Great Lakes
35 years of protecting 西 密歇根's waters
190,00 k-12 students experience hands-on learning


Grand Valley的罗伯特B. Annis水资源研究所 (AWRI) was created 35 years ago and 是第一个 淡水研究, 外展, and educational organization working in 西 密歇根, 西密歇根. 它的工作坚定地着眼于未来, at 的 intersection of our region’s economic and environmental vitality.



近70名员工, including 10 research scientists and dozens of graduate and undergraduate student researchers, conduct groundbreaking research in areas such as microbial ecology, 水生生态系统, 藻类学, 分子生态学, 生态建模, 渔业生态学, 气候变化, 水生生态系统恢复, 外来入侵物种, watershed hydrology and geospatial analytics, and environmental chemistry and toxicology. 




超过185,000 students and community members have participated in a hands-on experience through AWRI’s Water Resources Education Program which utilizes two research and education vessels, 的 D.J. 安格斯停泊在格兰德黑文的 W.G. 杰克逊这艘船停泊在马斯基根.

教育工作者, policy makers and citizens are reached through various educational events and activities such as professional development workshops for educators (Project WET, 全球, 项目学习树, Population Education) as well as public events including water festivals, 社区活动, 以及游览密歇根湖.




““I worked on projects I never would have had 的 chance to experience o的rwise, and learn from phenomenal mentors like Dr. Charlyn鹧鸪. The networking opportunities created at AWRI have been tremendously helpful in my career.”

M.S. 以水生为焦点的生物学
Researcher, Great Lakes Environmental Center



“I felt that AWRI provided an unparalleled opportunity to pursue my interests in freshwater resources. The institute not only embraces but encourages 的 interdisciplinary nature of aquatic science through collaboration, 研究成果的传播, 社区参与.”

-艾伦福利 '22
Development Associate, Leeward Renewable Energy



AWRI's work helps Muskegon Lake reach pivotal milestone

“AWRI has been proudly involved in 的 Muskegon Lake AOC for over 25 years providing scientific and monitoring expertise,斯坦曼说, AWRI的前主任.


AWRI-operated drones to clean up plastic on beaches and waterways

“This not only impacts Great Lakes wildlife, but also 的 40 million Americans and Canadians that require 的 Great Lakes for 的ir drinking water,劳拉·史莱克说. “一旦收集, 的 litter is analyzed providing valuable data that allows us to understand 的 scale of 的 problem.”


GVSU research helps find possible link in oxygenation of young Earth

“This work is a great example of how a careful study of a small piece of our natural world can reveal so much about 的 workings of 的 entire natural world,波比·比丹达说, professor of water resources at Grand Valley. 



Our mission is to ensure 的 future of our lakes, 河流, and wetlands for our families and communities long into 的 future. To do this, we need your help which will:

  • Leverage AWRI’s expertise as 的 region’s most established freshwater expert and community partner, to 保持前瞻性和相关性 面对新的和不断增长的威胁.
  • 扩大我们的能力 attract and retain top freshwater scientists.
  • Expand our capacity to train student researchers who will be our next generation of scientists.
  • Increase our education and 外展 efforts to ensure community-wide understanding of freshwater issues and preventative measures.

Current funding alone cannot sustain 的 increasingly complex work that needs to be done over 的 next decades. We are reliant on donor support to create 的 margin of excellence that will sustain 的 institute's work for generations.

拯救我们的国土与我们所有人都息息相关. 今天请支持AWRI.
